About to start a new project, but wondering if you should call in a professional or attempt the project on your own? You’re not the first person to ask this question, and you won’t be the last. At the end of the day, the answer itself depends on a lot of factors. To help you decide on when a DIY project might require a professional contractor, here are some things to ask yourself.
What does the law say?
Sometimes, home improvement projects must be completed by a trained and certified professional. If the project affects the safety of your home, or if you live within an HOA, be sure to check with local laws and regulations to determine if you should take this project on yourself.
Do you have the tools?
Some projects require specialized tools and if you don’t have those tools, you will have to buy them. Before you go spending money on expensive tools, consider how often you will be using that tool, or if you will ever use it again. Sometimes, hiring a contractor will actually save you money if you or someone you know doesn’t have the tools necessary to complete the job.
What is your experience in this area?
How experienced are you with home improvement projects? If you’re about to do some concrete acid staining, have you ever done this type of work before? By accessing your skill level you can determine whether or not you can comfortably complete this project in the time you’ve predicted. If this project is something way outside of your wheel-house, it may be appropriate to call in a professional.
How long will the DIY project take?
First, we suggest you do a little research and try to figure out how long you think the project will take. Then, determine whether or not you realistically have the time to complete the project. If you have a job, a spouse, or kids, then maybe you don’t actually have the time you think to complete the project.
Can you live without the space for a while?
Think about this one long and hard. If you’re redoing your kitchen and it’s going to take 2 months, can you live without access to your kitchen? Maybe you need to replace something in your shower. Consider that something could possibly go wrong; can you go without a shower for the next 2 or 3 days? A professional contractor has the knowledge to complete these types of tasks more efficiently. So if it’s a space you can’t live without, call a professional.
Whether you’re on a tight budget or simply enjoy the task of fixing up your home yourself, it’s always important to weigh your options. And remember, it can never hurt to call up a professional and get a quote on their services; the cost will be worth the professional work they will do. If you need advice on DIY project materials or need recommendations on an experience flooring contractor in the Maryland or East Coast area, feel free to contact East Coast Kemiko for help.