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Tips for When you Buy Concrete Acid Stain

Concrete flooring can be a bit underwhelming, but by using an acid stain you can breathe new life into the floor. However, before you apply a concrete acid stain, there are a few things that you should know.
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Let’s look at acid stains a little more closely.

What is a Concrete Stain?

A concrete acid stain is a process where the acid stain is applied to the flooring and it chemically reacts to the calcium hydroxide that is present in the concrete floor. This process changes the appearance of the floor without causing damage to it or risking the durability of the floor.

Concrete acid stains are just a stain however, and don’t come in a wide variety of color options, as they simply stain the flooring, rather than covering it. Acid stains do come in a few varying color options however, so be sure to choose the color closest to your desired result.

Things to Keep in Mind

When deciding whether or not to use an acid stain on your concrete floor, it is important to keep in mind that the result you achieve will be permanent. Because the acid in the stain chemically reacts with the components of the concrete the stain can not be removed in the future.

It is also important to note that the stain will only alter the appearance of the concrete so much, as it is just a stain, not a paint. The stain will react with the concrete and create a unique color and pattern that will never fade, chip, or wear. Acid stains are a great permanent solution on concrete flooring.

Need Help with Acid Stains in Maryland?

Choosing a stain for your concrete flooring can be stressful, as the results are permanent and there are several factors that can go into the end result. If you are looking for an acid stain for your concrete flooring, call us at East Coast Kemiko today to discuss your project. We are experts at concrete acid stains in Maryland and we’d be happy to help you with your project and answer any questions you have!