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Beginner Tips for Using Epoxy

Epoxy can be a great solution for your flooring needs, especially in areas like a garage or unfinished basement. Epoxy can help protect your floor and make it more durable, while also making it look better. In areas like a garage epoxy is a great solution because it helps protect the floor from dirt, oil, and many other chemicals that may find their way onto your garage floor. Epoxy is a great solution for many homeowners, but it does not work on every concrete surface. Let’s look at some factors to consider when using epoxy on your floors, as well as some tips for a smooth application.
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Can Your Floor Hold Epoxy?

Not all floors are in a condition that can hold the epoxy. The moisture level of the concrete plays a huge role in whether or not the epoxy will hold. To check the floor for excess moisture you can perform a test using a piece of plastic, such as a bag.
To do this test just put the plastic down on an area of the floor and seal it with tape around all sides. After 24-48 hours you can remove the plastic to see if moisture has beaded up on the plastic. If the plastic shows signs of moisture your floor is too wet to hold epoxy flooring. This is common in especially humid areas.
A large fan can help with clearing the area of moisture, but you may need to consult a professional for more specific guidance.

Prep Work

If your flooring can hold epoxy, you’ll want to check and make sure your floor hasn’t previously been sealed or painted. If it has been painted you’ll want to remove any paint remnants before getting started. The next step you need to take is cleaning the floor of dirt and any spots or stains.
Once the floor is clean, the next step is to use an acid mixture to score the floor. You can get said acid mixture when you pick up your epoxy from us. After this mixture has been applied to the floor, it needs to be scrubbed thoroughly and then rinsed several times to ensure all residue has been removed.
You’ll need to wait for them to dry thoroughly before applying the epoxy. After drying the floors, they should feel rough from the acid wash, this rough texture will help the epoxy adhere.


Once the floors are clean, rough, and dry you can begin painting the epoxy onto the floor. First, mix the epoxy according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This step will vary based on what type of epoxy you choose. Once the epoxy is mixed, you can begin painting starting with the edges using a paint brush. Then you can paint the remainder of the floor from the inside out towards the garage door (or from the garage door to an interior door). After this coat has dried completely, you can add a second coat.
Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommended drying times. Using an epoxy paint on your garage can be a great way to minimize damage to the floor while also making it look nice. But, epoxy comes with it’s own set of challenges and not every floor is a good candidate for epoxy. If you are considering epoxy for your garage floor and have questions, call us at East Coast Kemiko. We are your one stop shop for epoxy floor coatings in Maryland and we’d love to help answer any questions you may have!